3 P’s framework – Product Motivation by Prashantha Sawhney

This article is the last in the series related to 3 P’s framework to be successful. We finally focus on Product as it relates to the “why” and “what” work needs to be done.

Traditionally most people talk about products focusing on Feature – Function – Benefit methodology which has worked well for the past 40 years since it was introduced by IBM in 1976. With changes in times as well as proliferation of products, to differentiate their products, people also started to focus on USP (Unique Selling Proposition), RoI (Return on Investment), Efficiency savings, increased Effectiveness,  reduced TC (Total Cost of Ownership) etc. These are logical things which appeal to the mind, however many times we still are not able to decide on a specific product given this multitude of facts and figures.

This is where the Golden Circle from Simon Sinek comes in handy.  Focus is on moving from the Why to the What. It helps us understand the right way to reach our potential customers/partners and drives to deeper meaning on the very existence of the product.

The focus is now no longer just on the functionality that the product offers or how it achieves certain business objectives. With the clarity on why the product is needed, and with people who believe in the product, that brings in a good motivation for all involved parties and leads to eventual success.

PS: If you haven’t watched his TED video (in the top 3 most watched videos on TED) – please do take some time to watch it and get inspired.

Do share your feedback/ views on other approaches you may have followed to be successful.

The article was first published in Mr. Prashantha Sawhney’s LinkedIn Pulse post. The article is reproduced here with the authors permission. The views shared by the author are shared in his personal capacity

Prashantha Sawhney

Results-driven engineering professional with ~17 years of experience in leading high performance product teams

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