5D Delivery Framework

5-D Delivery Framework for Product Development

The Its becoming more important to deliver products & services to the healthcare industry in a manner it allows for, adaptability to workflows and adoptability of technology, of the end user and client’s strategic requirements.

It becomes very important for the service or solution provider to clearly articulate the various aspects of the delivery process. We have worked with various customers and have evolved a process that we think has been able to deliver value and strategic advantage to our customers.

We present the 5D process that highlights to the users not only the delivery aspects, but also our customer engagement processes during the entire project lifetime. Having the ability to engage with our customers at one or more of the process steps allows us to fine-tune our offerings based on the customers requirements.

WE invite you to adopt his process for your own delivery lifecycle for services or product offerings to your own customers.

Here are the definitions of the 5D Delivery Process



Our DISCOVER phase allows for incorporating divergent and broad views from the client organisation. The client goes through a process of determining market opportunities, future market trends, moon shots and take short, medium and long term views of their business strategy. The team composition of the DISCOVER phase includes a team of cross-functional personnel from across all the levels of the organisation; management, sales, delivery, support. The outcome of the DISCOVER process is the basis of the DEFINE phase.


Our DEFINE phase allows for incorporating divergent views from the client organisation. The client goes through a process of determining the product roadmap, design considerations, functional workflow definitions, technology framework development issues and considerations, supported form-factors, language considerations, standards adherence based on geographical spread. The DEFINE phase allows our clients to determine the product roadmap for the solution keeping in mind their schedules, scope and budgetary considerations. The team composition of the DEFINE phase includes personnel from sales, delivery, domain experts, customers and support teams. The outcome of the DEFINE process is go-ahead for the DESIGN phase.


The DESIGN phase of the Service Delivery Process takes off from the Definition for the roadmap for the product or the service. The client now goes through a process of determining operational aspects of the product or the service. In the DESIGN phase, all the aspects of the technology procurement, personnel assignment, requirements freeze for the stage 1 iteration are completed. The DESIGN phase also incorporates a prototype phase that creates a pilot product or service to validate the technology and delivery mechanisms.


The Development phase of our process is initiated after the Design phase. This phase involves the development of the framework for the solution and components required to build the solution as envisaged in the Design phase.


The Delivery process is initiated once the Development phase has been completed. The Development process could follow various types of Development Lifecycles, however the Deliver Process ensures the quality and adherance to the end customer requirements.

Consider the above diagram of the 5D Circle of Product Development, it denotes the circular process every product development or service delivery excercise undergoes to deliver the final result to the customer (end-user).

In a timeline of a project, the 5D is a constantly repeating and evolving process

Suggested Reading
1. How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch — Digital Experience Design — Medium http://ow.ly/t5tt300Dz5RAuthor Team HCITExperts Your partner in Digital Health Transformation using innovative and insightful ideas LinkedIn@HCITExpertWebsite

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